Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Sing! China Season 2 Episode 8 – Guo Qin 《船歌》

Boat Song

呜喂 风儿呀吹动我的船帆
wū wèi fēng er ya chuī dòng wǒ de chuán fān
Hey, the wind blows my sail.
chuán er ya suí zhe wéi fēng dàng yang
Boat children with the breeze
sòng wǒ dào rì yè sī niàn dì dì fang
Send me to day and night
呜喂 风儿呀吹动我的船帆
wū wèi fēng er ya chuī dòng wǒ de chuán fān
Hey, the wind blows my sail.
qíng láng ya wǒ yào hé nǐ jiàn miàn
I'll meet you, lover
sù shuō wǒ xīn lǐ duì nǐ de sī niàn
Telling my heart to you
dāng wǒ hái méi lái dào nǐ de miàn qián
When I haven't come before you
nǐ qiān wàn yào bǎ wǒ yào jì zài xīn jiān
You must keep me in mind
yào děng dài zhuó wǒ ya yào nài xīn děng zhe wǒ ya
Wait for me and wait patiently for me
情郎 我的心
qíng láng wǒ de xīn
Valentine's Day My Heart
xiàng nà lí míng de wēn nuǎn tài yang
Like the warm sun of that dawn
呜喂 风儿呀吹动我的船帆
wū wèi fēng er ya chuī dòng wǒ de chuán fān
Hey, the wind blows my sail
chuán er ya suí zhe wéi fēng dàng yang
Boat children with the breeze
sòng wǒ dào rì yè sī niàn dì dì fang
Send me to day and night
dāng wǒ hái méi lái dào nǐ de miàn qián
When I haven't come before you
nǐ qiān wàn yào bǎ wǒ yào jì zài xīn jiān
You must keep me in mind
yào děng dài zhuó wǒ ya yào nài xīn děng zhe wǒ ya
Wait for me and wait patiently for me
情郎 我的心
qíng láng wǒ de xīn
Valentine's Day My Heart
xiàng nà lí míng de wēn nuǎn tài yang
Like the warm sun of that dawn
呜喂 风儿呀吹动我的船帆
wū wèi fēng er ya chuī dòng wǒ de chuán fān
Hey, the wind blows my sail
chuán er ya suí zhe wéi fēng dàng yang
Boat children with the breeze
sòng wǒ dào rì yè sī niàn dì dì fang
Send me to day and night

Disclaimer: the English translation are only google translated just to give me a little bit understanding of the song. I know google translate are not always correct.

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